sblom ak meng'share' seminimum mungkin ape yg ad dlm kepala otak ak ni,mula2 ak nk ckp gomenne(i'm sori) kalu darjah pgunaan bhsa ak x se'sweet' compare dgn geng yg lain,,bkn pe,nt ak kaku nk berblog sb ak dlu spm bm xbrp nk pass neh,hehehe.memandangkan mak usrah ak dh mula bising tya bila ko nk post ni i'll try my best laa,haha(1st tym ni weh nk tlis blog)
there is a joke..
Fred and Mabel were both patients in a mental hospital.1 day,as they both walked beside the swimming pool,Mabel jumped into the deep end n sank 2 the bottom.Without a thought 4 his own safety,Fred jumped in after her,brought her 2 the surface,hauled her out n saved her.
The next day happened 2 be Fred's annual review.He was brought b4 the hospital board,where the director told him, "Fred,i hv some good news n bad news :the good is that,in light of ur heroic act yesterday,we consider u sane n u can be released from this home back into society.the bad news is,i'm afraid that Mabel,the patient u saved,shortly afterwards hung herself in the bathroom with the belt from her bathrobe.i'm sori but she's dead."
"she didn't hang herself," Fred replied, "i put her there 2 dry''.
the end. (life is an open secret)
-okes.ape yg ak nk kongsi adalah lain org lain dia pnya perspektif nya psal sumthin kan.mcm Fred 2,dia hang Marbel sb dia pk 2 slh 1 cr nk keringkan Marbel la kan slain drpd bg kalu dr perspektif ak,of cos la ak pk Marbel nk bnuh diri mcm doc 2 pk.
-phm?klu xphm ak bg lg 1 cth yg lg simple. cth ni antara ak n kwn ak si A(bkn nm sbenar).sape tgok BOF?(boys over flower).mst korg sume layan kan.tipo la xlayan A ckp Ji Hoo 2 ensem la,nmpk cool la, tp bg ak xpon,hahaha.nmpk biasa je,Jun Pyo lg macho kot,kakakaka. dah2,kan nmpk bgaimn berbezanya perspektif kami kan.
-knapa kita sume berbeza?
yela.kalu sume sama xde colourful la kan idup ni.klu sume org suka kaler pink,the whole world would like nt cite Men in Black kna tkar jd Men in Pink(weirdo!) part siyes.sbenarnya bila mpunyai pandangan yg berbeza-beza,kita sbenarnya bole bertukar-tukar idea n belajar benda yg's all about 2 know n learn about each other.
Allah says; (o mankind!we hv crated u from a male n a female,n made u into nations n tribes,dat u may know 1 another.Verily,the most honorable of u with Allah is that (believer) who has piety.Verily,Allah is All-Knowing,All-Aware)-Al Hujurat 49:3
last but not least,kalu kita xtau kita kna tya org k (reminder utk diri sdiri).malu bertanya,xdapek la jwpn.
Allah says: ( so ask the people of the Reminder if u don not know)-Al Anbiyaa' 21:43
*klu ad information yg slh or sumthin else yg xbest,suarakan k (ku hanya insan yg naif,huu)
yg baik itu dtg nya drpd Allah S.W.T n yg kurang itu drpd kelemahan ak sdiri.
P/S-tiada sbrg hiasan sb ak xpandai nk upload,hahaha.
Nasihat Cinta buat Ibu bapa
6 years ago
good job ^__^
btul2. kita berbeza2. tu pasal dunia ni cantik (bila kite appreciate perbezaan kita)..
colourful wind,
wonderful life,
lets paint the rainbow world,
with our vary beautiful words..
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