salam to all..
da lame xb'sua entry kt blog ni..(malu mungkin~haha)
same cm 100+,my words x appropriate sgt in writing2 niyh..hehe
started 18th may, today oready 21st!
paper yg dulunye empat kini hanye tggl satu utk disental~!
but then sedar xsedar sem jan 09 da nk mlabuhkn tirai~(uiceh!)
the fastest and exhausted sem ever in utp i think~
tbe trigat last gather2 biskut meri
time makan2 mee udang banjir kt tronoh..
in conjunction with wida' mummy's our mummies(mummies is mummy2 taw,bkn mksd len =p)..
(phm ka?ayt complicated-)
the moment that will never fade from my mind..
yg sorg tu lawak pki bju cm jd bride wpun hakikatnye...~
(jgn mrh ok!gurau jek =))
yg sorg lg t'tggl dslr yg sgt2 patut ade time tu,
yg sorg lg tolong blnje org yg da fulusless,haha
yg sorg lg dtg time last2 pastu agkut sy bwk blk..=)
sorg lg xdpt dtg tp sokay,nxt time plak..he
nxt sem da ssh da nk gather lg since 4 of us akn interning d tmpt masing2..
gonna miss u all guys,biskutmerians yg cute2..
thnx a lot 4 being such a wonderlful mates~
to sape2 yg kne tggl tu..surely akan rindu ktorg (prasan) and
rjin dtg la jln2 kt tmpt intern ktorg..hihi
erm...b4 ends,
nk dedicate lgu ni utk sume n especially to sek2 biskutmeri~
Thank you for simply being there
On the cloudy day
On the sunny day
Thank you for sharing your joys
And pain with me
For showing me that I am so special
That my contribution counts to our friendship
I have grown as a person
And I hope you have too
oo friend...
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Just for you..
Thank you for simply being my friend
For the special memories
We share together now
For the never ending support
You always give me
Oh friend
I will always love you
I can't tell you how much
That you mean to me
I pray for our everlasting friendship
Never ever say goodbye to yesterday
Cause yesterday was a special and wonderful
And I hope tomorrow will be better
Thank you for everything...
Mirwana-Thank You
i'll try to post another entry b4 heading back to hometown dz 24th!
Nasihat Cinta buat Ibu bapa
6 years ago
so sweeeet~~ =P ehem3..belanje aku time gathering!!!~ d0k umah je p0n kan time intern..
wishing for the star cik lady bug~
mestilah~ tak dpt star dpt bulan p0n jdk la~ ;P
huhu.. sedeynyer...
pejam celik2 dah bape thn dah ek.
korang da gi intern. wawaa~~
miss u gals already :(
haih.. rajin2 melawat tempat intern? ades.
ape kate korang la rajin2 melawat utp. hihi
convo fair kene dtg k~
smoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan di tempat kerja. n semoga istiqamah! ehem. pegi usrah ye.;)
ape punye post ni wey..
begenang air mate ako bace post nih..
da la pasang lagu sedey ni..
seb baek leh sedut balek air mate ni..
mahal tao.. :P
sume org jgn lupe update blog ni tau..
share ape2 yg dpt mase intern or cuti..
hugs n kisses biskot meri~~~
da day started..
sorry xsempat post b4 blk..
t aku post 'da day at ppmsb'..haha
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