Saturday, May 23, 2009

biskut meri, biskut kering, biskut tiger

refering to the matter above... <-- ecewah.. macam nak setat wat surat rasmi je
okay, lets try again.. gotta be serious this time... :P

The subject above is referring to 100+’s previous post where as she said that it’ll be biskut kering next sem because of the absence of may,min,wani n nol. This is due to our internship program.Well, lets see about that...

We are made to face obstacles. Rite?

Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test).

Al-Ankabut(The Spider), 2 n 3

As you can see now, we are being tested. We can’t just say we have a strong faith and believe towards Allah unless we have being tested. This is just another round of the test. The test is the absence of dear friends in front of your eyes. But remember, we will always be there for you. Maybe not in front of your eyes, but we will always be inside your heart. Like the phrase use in tv9 “Dekat Di Hati”…. Keep that in mind everybody, we will always have each other and we will always have Allah for He will never fail us.

And we will all definitely have the ability to face this obstacles rite?

Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.

Al-Baqarah(The Cow),286

My tears came rolling down my cheeks the first time I read this sentence, that is the first time when I really understand the meaning. We can see through this sentence how merciful Allah is. Isn’t He really sweet? How lovable he is towards us all. Allah definitely is The Most Merciful. He wont put burdens beyond one’s scope or ability. So, our separation now is just another obstacle or burden that is totally within our ability to face it.Ganbatte! We can do it!

Really, I also cant imagine how we will be without our weekly meetings(usrah).. like Syamel once said when she joined our usrah “Usrah ni macam nasi.” That sentence alone told us many things. Usrah is indeed important for us. If nasi gives strength to our body, then usrah gives strength to our soul. Nonetheless, everything depends to Allah how strong we are going to be no matter what we do. Insyaallah we will all be just fine. ^_^

New place means new friends, new environment, and not to forget, new usrah too! This is the chance for us to get to know more people. New people and more knowledge. Everybody has their own style, so, we will be learning new things from them. Expand your knowledge my dearest friends, this is the time. And we shall share it. Through this blog is the best way I guess. Make full use of this medium ey.. ~_^ this beautiful PINK blog~ wuuuu~

Well then, whether its biskut meri(the more the merrier) , biskut kering(because of the absence in the eye), or even biskut tiger(because we are stronger than ever).. we will always be a family… no matter what.. no doubt bout that. Insyaallah.

Hugs n kisses everybody…

Shed your tears and show your smile (^_^)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

near yet so far

salam to all..
da lame xb'sua entry kt blog ni..(malu mungkin~haha)
same cm 100+,my words x appropriate sgt in writing2 niyh..hehe

started 18th may, today oready 21st!
paper yg dulunye empat kini hanye tggl satu utk disental~!
but then sedar xsedar sem jan 09 da nk mlabuhkn tirai~(uiceh!)
the fastest and exhausted sem ever in utp i think~

tbe trigat last gather2 biskut meri
time makan2 mee udang banjir kt tronoh..
in conjunction with wida' mummy's our mummies(mummies is mummy2 taw,bkn mksd len =p)..
(phm ka?ayt complicated-)
the moment that will never fade from my mind..

yg sorg tu lawak pki bju cm jd bride wpun hakikatnye...~
(jgn mrh ok!gurau jek =))
yg sorg lg t'tggl dslr yg sgt2 patut ade time tu,
yg sorg lg tolong blnje org yg da fulusless,haha
yg sorg lg dtg time last2 pastu agkut sy bwk blk..=)
sorg lg xdpt dtg tp sokay,nxt time plak..he

nxt sem da ssh da nk gather lg since 4 of us akn interning d tmpt masing2..
gonna miss u all guys,biskutmerians yg cute2..
thnx a lot 4 being such a wonderlful mates~
to sape2 yg kne tggl tu..surely akan rindu ktorg (prasan) and
rjin dtg la jln2 kt tmpt intern ktorg..hihi

erm...b4 ends,
nk dedicate lgu ni utk sume n especially to sek2 biskutmeri~

Thank you for simply being there
On the cloudy day
On the sunny day

Thank you for sharing your joys
And pain with me
For showing me that I am so special
That my contribution counts to our friendship

I have grown as a person
And I hope you have too
oo friend...

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Just for you..

Thank you for simply being my friend
For the special memories
We share together now

For the never ending support
You always give me
Oh friend

I will always love you
I can't tell you how much
That you mean to me

I pray for our everlasting friendship
Never ever say goodbye to yesterday

Cause yesterday was a special and wonderful
And I hope tomorrow will be better

Thank you for everything...

Mirwana-Thank You

i'll try to post another entry b4 heading back to hometown dz 24th!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

mungkin bosan!

(mgkin wallpaper sy)

w/pon saya(pgunaan bhsa yg lbh proper) tau ni adalah blog utk geng2 kitorg tp sy rs cm nk wt blog ni mcm sy pnya lah..klu admin xstju admin blh dlete ni k.
slpas penangan paper fes n probstat in 1 day rs sy dh iseng(sila rjuk sape2 yg tau).di kala bosan stadi transport,sy mlayan kamen rider den-o the muvi n ultraman yg ad 8brothers 2..mgkin anda akan bpikir xde cite lain ke ko nk,mmg xde cite lain.2 je la cite yg sy rs best(tiada tandingan mgkin).ape yg sy mau cite sbenarnya??hmm xtau laa..mcm org yg dh lost.

ok2,sy dh tau ape yg nk di cite.
w/pon final sem ni agak menghambarkan jgk la bnda sweet..
cth nye: - sya-shan buatkan sy jadual blaja tym stadi week..thanks (sy tharu..)
-cik lebah mrupakan org yg plg kuat menyepot sy (n kuat membebel gak (^_^) sy suka)
-cik lebah sntiasa msg tya stadi ke x?bla paper?sy rs spt sy ad kakak (mgkin d alam fantasi)

mgkin sem dpan sy dh xdpt sume 2 sbb sya-shan,blackmores,wani mira n cik lebah dh g intern.tgal la sy dgn angahbaek (???),so dh xde dh beskut meri ni sem dpan.maybe tkar jd beskut kering(sy siyes).

ok la,sy nk smbung stadi n kamen rider.henshin!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sekalung doa buat dia..


Ya Allah…

Dalam perjalanan kehidupan ini telah Engkau jadikan bagiku seorang teman. Sedangkan ia adalah diluar jangkaan dan sangkaan hambaMu ini.

Ya Allah…

Walau apa pun takdirMu keatasku, maka disaat ini aku tahu dia perlukan pertolongan. Oleh itu wahai Tuhan, aku dengan penuh rasa kehambaan yang penuh kehinaan memohon padaMu bagi pihaknya, kerana dia adalah sahabatku.

Ya Allah…

Ampunilah daku dan sahabatku dan masukkanlah kami kedalam rahmatMu dan Engkau adalah Tuhan yang maha penyayang.

Ya Allah…

Jangan Engkau tinggalkan untuknya suatu dosa melainkan telah Engkau ampunkan.
Dan tiada suatu aibnya, melainkan telah Engkau tutupkan

Tiada suatu dukanya melainkan telah Engkau hilangkan daripadanya.
Tiada suatu hutangnya melainkan telah Engkau bayarkan.
Tiada suatu
kesakitan melainkan telah Engkau sembuhkan.
Tiada suatu hajatnya
dari keperluan dunia dan akhiratnya yang telah Engkau redhai melainkan telah Engkau tunaikan baginya wahai Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang.

Ya Allah…

Lindunglah sahabatku dari hilangnya nikmatMu dan berubahnya kesejahteraanMu dan mendadaknya seksaMu dan berbagai macam murkaMu.

Ya Allah…

Sungguhnya aku bermohon kepadaMu tabahkanlah dia dalam menghadapi segala urusan dan kekuatan dalam menerima petunjukMu.

Ya Allah…

Kurniakanlah kepadanya jiwa ketaqwaan dan sucikanlah. Engkaulah sebaik-baik yang mensucikan.

Ya Allah…

Sungguhnya aku bermohon kepadaMu bagi pihaknya dengan sabaik-baik permintaan, sebaik-baik permohonannya, sebaik-baik kejayaannya dan sebaik-baik pahala baginya. Tetapkanlah untuknya, beratkanlah timbangan kebaikannya. Mantapkanlah imannya, tingkatkanlah darjatnya, terimalah solatnya dan ampunkanlah dosa-dosanya. Ya Allah, aku bermohon baginya kepadaMu tingkat yang tinggi di syurga.
Ya Allah
perkenankanlah permohonanku.

Ya Allah…

Sungguhnya Engkau mengetahui apa yang aku rahsiakan dan apa yang aku perlihatkan, maka ampunkanlah kealpaan dan kelalaiannya.
Dan Engkau
mengetahui segala hajatnya, maka kabulkanlah permohonannya.

Ya Allah..

Aku bermohon baginya kepadaMu keimanan yang selalu mendampingi hatinya,
dan keyakinan yang kuat sehingga dia mengerti bahawasanya
tidak akan menimpa dirinya kecuali apa yang telah Engkau tentukan baginya dan bahawasanya apa sahaja yang telah menimpa dirinya bukanlah semata-mata yang meluputkannya. Dan apa sahaja yang telah meluputkannya bukanlah semata-mata menimpa dirinya melainkan untuk memberi hikmah kepadanya.

Ya Allah…

Aku bermohon baginya kepadaMu iman yang teguh buatnya mencari kebenaran. Cahaya yang dia jadikan ikutan dan cukupkanlah rezeki bagi dirinya . Ya Allah…jadikanlah dia cinta kepadaMu dengan hatinya seluruhnya dan rela kepadaMu dengan segala kemampuan dirinya seluruhnya. Ya Allah… jadikanlah cintanya seluruhnya hanya kepadaMu dan amal perbuatannya seluruhnya hanyalah untuk mencari keredhaanMu.

Ya Allah…

Apa sahaja yang Engkau jauhkan darinya dari hal-hal yang dia cintai, jadikanlah hal itu sebagai penguat untuknya mencintai apa yang Engkau cintai dan jadikanlah cintanya kepadaMu sebagaimana Engkau mencintai.

Ya Allah…

Cukuplah diriMu bagiku, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau. Hanya kepadaMu aku bertawakal. Dan Engkaulah Tuhan yang memiliki arasy yang agung.

Amin ya rabbal alamin.

Friday, May 8, 2009

-Happy mother's day- =)

tetibe teringat kat ibu dikampung~ rase sebak didada...sehatkah die? dah makankah die? gembirakah die? air mata menitis tanpa diduga..

suatu hari ku pulang ke kampung, ku lihat ibu kesakitan-ibu diserang penyakit asma. ibu bernafas tercunggap-cunggap, ku xsanggup nangis dihadapannya.perasaan ini ku pendam dalam-dalam. hanya mampu menangis di dalam hati. dihadapannya, aku hanya mempu mengukir senyuman, tidak mahu die bimbang, dia bimbang aku akan terganggu dengan exam yg bakal dihadapi beberape hari lagi.. ibu, semoga kau cepat sembuh bu...

ibu penah bercerita kepadaku, sakitnya sewaktu melahirkanku..hingga aku sendiri tidak sanggup mendengarnya..begitu besar pengorbanan itu, sebab itu jugalah jika seorang perempuan itu melahirkan anak dan meninggal dunia dikira mati syahid.

ibu, dari kecil hingga dewasa, kau menjaga ku tanpa sedikit p0n merungut, mendidik ku dengan penuh ketekunan agar suatu hari nanti aku jadi insan yang berguna kepada masyarakat,menjagaku dengan penuh kasih sayang,...kasih sayangmu tidak berbelah bagi-tp dari mana ya dari kasih sayang ini??begitu murni sifat ini... tanpa kasih sayangNya, tidak hidup lah kite diatas muka bumi ini. oh..kasih sayang itu datangnya dari Allah,terima kasih Allah kerana mencampakkan sedikit kasih sayangMu kepada hamba2Mu..ya Rahman~ ya Rahim~
walaupon begitu, kenape diri ini sering kasi menderhakainya? mengapa? ibu~~ ampunkanlah dosa anakmu ini ibu, telah byk ku lukakan hatimu ibu...
Adakah kau tahu?
Rasulullah SAW ber-sabda:
"Sukakah kamu kuberitahukan tentang dosa yang besar?" Mereka menjawab : "Ya Rasulullah." Beliau bersabda; "Syirik kepada Allah, durhaka kepada kedua orang tua, membunuh (manusia), saksi palsu dan zina."
Jadilah anak2 yang solehah yang sentiasa mengembirakan hati kedua ibu bapa..

happy mother's day
"sesungguhnya surga itu, dibawah tapak kaki ibu"

kepada bakal2 ibu dan ayah ^__^ & ^__6
bolehlah mengamalkan surah2 dibawah:-
1) Surah Maryam-anak yg soleh dan solehah
2)Surah Lukman- supaya anak menjadi pintar dan cerdik
3)surah Yusuff-melahirkan anak2 yg ensem+comel+cantik =P
4)surah Al-Taubah-bersihkan jiwa anak dan ibu
5) surah Al-Imran:ayat 38
Ketika itu Nabi Zakaria berdoa kepada Tuhannya, katanya: Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaku dari sisiMu zuriat keturunan yang baik; sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa Mendengar (menerima) doa permohonan.

pesanan author

Sunday, May 3, 2009

learn from the ants, you lazybones!


Im getting bored of reading the equations (prob& stat) again and again, so I decided to waste my time writing this. huhu

I could feel the cold breeze washing over my face, entering from the half opened window as it had rained just now. What a wonderful feeling! ^_^

Then suddenly my eyes darted from the window to a smooth traffic of cute little ants crawling across the chaotic desk of mine, passing through the monitor which has been idle for quite some time. I knew that I should be studying Probability and Statistic or Chemical Reaction Engineering, or maybe Separation Process. Arg. I really really had no time to play around coz I got 4 killing papers in 4 straight consecutive days! T.T
but then, I ended up studying the ants’ highway. Phewh~

Ok, Let me share with you what i saw from that ten minutes observation. The most amazing thing about these teeny-tiny little ants is that they never got stuck in traffic jam! Its kinda funny but try to look at them, you will see, they don’t overtake each other. I think people should take traffic control lessons from these little creatures. Seriously.

No wonder.. they’re ants. They won’t get hurt if they bumped into each other ! :P

picture: Flick in Disney's A Bug's Life

But these little ants, the worker ants, barely bigger than our eye crust, have the ability to follow a trail, move in a line, wander around and search for food, carry heavy load over their tiny head, and work together to create entire underground civilizations! That tiny little ant… with a tiny little head… and a tiny little brain, no more than just a few brain cells connected together, can actually think about their other millions of brothers and sisters at home who needed food, they sacrifice themselves to go to the outside world which is full of obstacles and dangers, where their tiny body can easily be smashed anytime. But they never fail to perform their duty assigned to them!

They are remarkably hard working creatures aren’t they? They work sooo hard to drag a piece of food. And they never give up too! Ants never quit! Try to stop them, they’ll surely find another way. They even worked themselves to death!

How possibly these tiny creatures with tiny brains managed to ensure the survival of the colony?

This is absolutely the proof that they are acting on the inspiration of a certain "supervisor". It is true! these ants can establish such a great and perfect order, and all their works are made possible by an inspiration Allah has given them. And they abide by it, completely. Subhanallah..

What about us? Whose brains are a billion times bigger than that of ants’? Have we performed our duty Allah has assigned to us? What a question to ponder upon huh?

picture: Antz

Those cute ants really made me think.. about sacrifice, to be more hard working, to be more organized, helping and sharing with others, brave, and of course, they tell me that I really need some cleaning here! Yikes!

Learn from the ants - Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can..
